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Sports Saturday

Sports Saturday

Saturdays are full of games and sports for us. It starts with Tommy’s T-ball game. He’s learning to hit the ball from a T and run the bases. In the outfield, he’s learning to stop grounders and throw to first base. After T-ball, Tommy has to change...
Soccer-Fall 2013

Soccer-Fall 2013

The girls had fun this fall season playing on their first league soccer team.  This will be the one and only year where they get to play on the same team.  They were the Purple Ponies!   [insert]   [/insert] [insert] [/insert] [insert] [/insert] [insert] [/insert]...
Another Soccer Saturday

Another Soccer Saturday

Second weekend of soccer.  I only have photos of Cara today because she had a birthday party to go to right after her game so I had to rush her across town.  Unfortunately, I missed Chloe Jane’s game, but I’ll see her next...