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Thomas David Fife was  born September 12 at 7:19 pm.  He was 8 lbs and 20 1/4 inches long.  I’m blogging from our hospital room so those of you eager to meet him don’t have to wait until I get back and process all the photos.  I brought my laptop with me and the hospital has free wi fi.  Just the thing for us bloggers!

How did it get to this point you ask?  I was at work today (because I have a trial in the morning) when Ruth texted me around 1 pm to tell me that her water had broken.  Fortunately, Mom was already en route so as soon as she made it through the Mexican Independence Day celebrations, we were off to the hospital.  Once there, Ruth didn’t stay pregnant very long as Tommy arrived less than 2 and 1/2 hours after we arrived.

I got the pleasure of announcing to Ruth whether the baby was a boy or a girl.  We managed to keep it a surprise despite the many OB appointments (one time Ruth believed she heard a tech use the pronoun “her” so Ruth thought she knew.  I was there and I told Ruth I did not hear the pronoun usage and believed in the context the tech probably said “your” but pronounced it “yer”).

Anyway, right now baby and mama are sleeping to the light of my laptop and I have a trial tomorrow so I’m going to try to get some sleep.

Of course, stay tuned to this blog for more photos to come.