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On day one, Tommy got to meet his two big sisters.  Chloe Jane and Cara were very excited to meet their baby brother.  I met them in the waiting area before they came into the room and Cara said, “Hi Daddy, where’s the baby!”  Cara couldn’t stop hugging and kissing on him.  They each had a small blue stuffed toy to give Tommy.  Cara threw hers at him exclaiming, “here you go, baby!”  They wanted to take him home but came to understand he had to stay one more night.

At pre-school, Chloe Jane ran into her class telling everyone that she had a new baby brother–but that he couldn’t come home yet.  I emailed the school a photo of Tommy and they printed it out and posted it to Chloe Jane’s and Cara’s classroom doors.

Tommy also met his Fife grandparents who he only knows right now as the people who unleashed his sisters on him.

[album: meets his sisters/]