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Tommy spent his first week sleeping, eating, crying, having his diaper changed and being cute–not a lot of demands on the little guy at this point. Grandma and Grandpa Fife (“Grandma and PopPop” according to Chloe Jane and Cara) visited him at the hospital and helped bring him home. Grandma couldn’t part from him so she stayed the week which was a big help to Tommy’s parents. Mimi and Grandpa Heinzman (“Mimi and Poppa” according to Chloe Jane and Cara) visited on Friday and Saturday.

The doctor said he’s gaining weight very well and Tommy no longer needs to be brought to the doctor to monitor his weight. So here we go!

Anyone have any pointers about boy babies? We’ve been primarily raising girl babies to this point.

Check out the gallery below for more photos. There are a couple left over from the hospital and then Mimi with Tommy and Grandma with Tommy photos. Look for the photo of Tommy where he looks like he’s an actor delivering a dramatic monologue on stage.

[album: first week/]