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Funny in Pigtails

Not just cute, pigtail cute

Chloe Jane was very proud of her pigtails.   And not to be left out, Cara loved hers as well.

Me too!

Last weekend, we went to Piedmont Park for the annual Dogwood Festival.  We laid out a blanket in the shade and ate festival food and listened to live bands.  Cara and Chloe Jane played with two other sisters a bit older who were passing around a soccer ball.  Eventually, they let Chloe Jane and Cara look after the ball while they walked about the park.

Is this yours?

I've got it!

The next weekend, it rained cats and dogs.  Aunt Karen had a good suggestion though to try painting pottery.  The girls had never done that before but were more than willing to give it a go.   Chloe Jane selected a unicorn to paint and Cara chose a duck.  They took they’re pottery painting very seriously–although they weren’t satisfied with simply painting the duck and unicorn, but also adorned the pottery pedestals and the table and a lot of themselves as well.

I'm an artist.

What color is your unicorn?

Just a little more here.

Steady as she goes

For more photos of Pigtails, Piedmont and Pottery, check out the SmugMug Gallery.